Content Cast: Evaluating your Faith Space for Trauma Triggers

In this video, Holly and Christie talk about looking at the wall art, decorative elements, and artistic elements that are present in your faith space and how they can be triggering to people who may use your space.

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Grant Writing 101

This resource will walk you through the basics of preparing to apply for a grant, how to apply for grants, and how to implement and report on them for your organization.

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Trauma-Informed Picture-Taking Guidelines

Photographs can be a triggering experience for many people with trauma histories. This resource will share some guidelines for trauma-informed picture-taking and some examples.

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Grounding Technique Videos

Grounding is the practice of regulation that can help calm the nervous system during panic/anxiety attacks, overstimulation, or high stress. These videos provide step-by-step guides for different practices to help support you in grounding, or to offer tools to use with children, teenagers, or adults in your world.

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Understanding the Foster Care System

This resource connects to our training portal that provides helpful information on understanding the systems and the needs that exist inside and around them.

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