In 2021, Flipped Table Collective, co-founder, Rev Christie Love put pieces of her life story and the lessons she had learned in a season of heartbreaking struggling into words that became a book. God of the Gaps is a book written for those who are suffering, deconstructing, questioning and wondering.

Listen to Christie Preach about God of the Gaps

“God of the Gaps” at Englewood Christian Church 9-22-24

God of the Gaps is a heartfelt and enjoyable to read. If you’re in a season of struggle and need encouragement and insight, read this book!
— Wes Taylor, Executive Publisher, Faith Division, Morgan James Publishing
Christie Love tackles a difficult topic with incredible precision in her book, God of the Gaps. She defines gasps as “the in-between places” like “times of struggling between our needs and their provision” or “the unmapped journey between our hurt and our healing” amongst many other examples. Having been in gaps before myself, I have read other books in the past that attempted to relate someone else’s journey to my own, and each time, they fell short. Christie Love manages to take her own personal journey and the lessons she learned through the process and make it universally adaptable to our own unique experiences. This is no small feat. Christie Love manages to convey compassion and understanding without being prescriptive. She makes no assumptions about her readers. Christie Love isn’t afraid to expose the hurts that many churches have caused their members, and she is willing to dive deep to consider how our culture discourages us from feeling hard feelings or asking hard questions. Using Biblical support, she shows us that God invites our questions, our painful emotions, and our doubts. She makes the reader feel seen and communicates that God is a God who sees. She also provides practical examples of ways to endure the gap, all the while communicating her empathy to the struggling reader. In the end, this is a hopeful read, one that seeks to unify all struggling sojourners in our all too common gaps. Christie Love is a Kingdom-builder, a passionate advocate for the weary. To anyone in a dark place, this book is a balm for the soul.
— Kelly Wright
God of the Gaps pulls the rug from beneath certain Christian platitudes that often plague works about suffering and leaves the reader to wrestle as they try to find God in their “gaps”. Although this might sound fearsome, Christie Love makes certain that her readers have the tools to recognize that God is near. God of the Gaps is a must-read for anyone who is struggling to find the light of God in dark places.
— Ally Henny, The Witness: A Black Christian Collective
Christie Love writes with the empathy of someone who has been heartbroken, struggled, and waited in “a gap,” and has a deep compassion to journey alongside others in their gaps. She brings wisdom, perspective, and encouragement in a way that feels like friendship. She brings wisdom, perspective, and encouragement in a way that feels like friendship. This book is a powerful guide and friend to anyone who is walking through a hardship, or who has walked through a gap that has altered their life. God of the Gaps will be light to anyone who picks up these pages, regardless of their faith background, or circumstances. I truly believe this book is a rare find that should be on everyone’s bookshelf with a few extra on hand to share with friends.
— Holly Madden, Flipped Table Collective

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