We believe in the importance of statistics to help us better understand the story of faith communities and organizations.

Explore and Engage with the Flipped Table Collective’s Current Research Studies

  • Negative Religious Experiences Study

    This is a multi-year study. That explores the connections between negative religious experiences, ACE scores, physical health, socioeconomic, and faith outcomes.

  • Our Pastor's Trauma Study

    This study will explore the level of trauma awareness of pastors, their lived trauma experience, connections, and health outcomes.

  • Dear Church Project

    This project will allow people to write letters to the church to name hurts and traumas. This is also a place to name the impact on people’s lives and discuss the changes you want to see made in faith spaces.

  • Building Use Study

    Participate in research for an upcoming book chapter that our Co-Founder, Rev. Dr. Christe Love, has been asked to write. The chapter will explore current ways sacred spaces are being used and innovative ideas to better steward space and resources.

  • Congregational Study

    We work with one congregation a month to assess negative religious experiences, outcomes, community engagement, growing edges for the faith community, and leadership health.