Flipped Table Collective’s Resource Library
You can explore the contents of our resource library by entering a keyword to search, searching by topic category from our drop down menu, or scrolling through our content.
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- Ableism Track 5
- Abuse Track 5
- Addictions Track 11
- Administration Track 3
- Advent 7
- Advocacy Track 36
- Anti-Racism Track 8
- Art Therapy 21
- Best Practices Track 6
- Book Discussion Guides 13
- Call to Worships 13
- Children's Ministry Track 25
- Christian Nationalism 3
- Church Planting Track 27
- Content Cast Videos 9
- Conversation Guides 4
- Deconstruction Track 9
- Ecotheology Track 7
- Educators Track 5
- Foster Care Track 11
- Grief 4
- Grounding and Mindfulness Practices 9
- Healing Practices 24
- Healing and Health 2
- Holiday Resources 9
- Liturgy Library 48
- Medical Professionals Track 9
- Mental Health Track 7
- Nature and Spirituality 20
- Neurodivergence Track 6
- Non-Profit Track 18
- Outreach Track 21
- Parenting Track 4
- Pastoral Track 57
- Poverty/Housing Track 15
- Queer Theology Track 11
- Recommendations 8
- Religious Trauma 4
- Social Work Track 12
- Thanksgiving/Honoring Indigenous People Day 2
- Theology Track 5
- Trauma Track 12
- Youth Ministry Track 24
- yoga 4
Content Cast: A Conversation about SPED Programs and how Faith Communities can be Involved
This content cast conversation shares about the SPED program and how faith communities can be involved.
Movie Night Selection Suggestions
Is your faith community looking to host a movie night? Here are some suggestions for various months of 2024-2025 based upon worldwide monthly awareness themes.
Religious Trauma Support Group Guide Volume 1
This guide contains 52 weekly lessons to lead a religious trauma support group through as they work to heal from negative religious experiences.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological model that honors what humans need in order to grow and heal.
15 Ways your Church Space can become a Safe Space for our LGBTQIA+ Siblings
This video, written from a queer church leader perspective, provides some practical ways churches can not only communicate being affirming but put action behind their words to offer safe church spaces for their LGBTQIA+ siblings.
Cultural Humility
This resource addresses the disparities for trauma-informed care among individuals of different culture and marginalized people groups.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
This resources provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder with practical ways to engage with and individuals of all ages who are on the spectrum.
Honoring Queer Lives Meditations
This 15 minute guided embodiment meditation is written for the queer individual- to honor the struggle of surviving in our societies and to celebrate the miracle that is queer lives.
Child and Youth Ministry Affirming and Inclusive Checklist
This resources offers some pointers on honoring representation and publicly being affirming as a youth or child ministry.
Revisions to the Lord’s Prayer in Non-Violent and Affirming Language
This resource was written by Jennie to her community with two separate revisions to offer language that is affirming and non-violent .
Rooted Book Discussion
This book discussion guide explores the book, Rooted by Lyanda Lynn Haupt that explores the wild world, science, and spirituality.
Poetry Prompts: Guided Art Therapy
These poetry prompts provide some inspiration for writing that engage with the natural world, social justice, the world around us and spirituality.
Building Resilience: Helping Heal Children from Adversity
This presentation honors the importance of having safe, nurturing relationships in a child’s life to mitigate trauma-impact.
How to Advocate with Elected Officials
These two documents provide some narrative and ideas on how to advocate with elected officials about social justice causes.
Parenting with the Mind in Mind
This presentation offers a perspective on parenting with empathy for ourselves and our kids.
Ideas for Connecting to Local Schools
This document provides some creative ways on connecting to your local neighborhood school to provide support and community for families in your neighborhood and for the teachers and administrators who provide so much support.
Connecting to Birds- Guided Art Therapy Prompt
This prompt guides you into observation and connection to birds through art. Birds are often seen as sacred, spiritual, and symbolic in many cultures and religions. Birds can also hold a lot of symbolism around healing and freedom.
Supporting Empaths in your Community
Written by a vulnerable empath, this document and affirming poem at the end are designed to provide a perspective on how to support empaths in your community, whether that be a faith gathering, a workplace, or a friend group.
Overview of Negative Religious Experiences Research
This video is of Flipped Table Co-Founder Rev. Dr. Christie Love presenting her doctoral thesis project at Eden Theological Seminary in May 2024. This 30-minute presentation gives you a broad overview of Dr. Love’s work around religious trauma.
Stained Glass Guided Art Practice
This practice works to honor and possible redeem the use of stained glass art in church spaces. This art is focused on creating an image that represents healing.