Flipped Table Collective’s Resource Library
You can explore the contents of our resource library by entering a keyword to search, searching by topic category from our drop down menu, or scrolling through our content.
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- Ableism Track 5
- Abuse Track 5
- Addictions Track 11
- Administration Track 3
- Advent 7
- Advocacy Track 36
- Anti-Racism Track 8
- Art Therapy 21
- Best Practices Track 6
- Book Discussion Guides 13
- Call to Worships 13
- Children's Ministry Track 25
- Christian Nationalism 3
- Church Planting Track 27
- Content Cast Videos 9
- Conversation Guides 4
- Deconstruction Track 9
- Ecotheology Track 7
- Educators Track 5
- Foster Care Track 11
- Grief 4
- Grounding and Mindfulness Practices 9
- Healing Practices 24
- Healing and Health 2
- Holiday Resources 9
- Liturgy Library 48
- Medical Professionals Track 9
- Mental Health Track 7
- Nature Devotions 1
- Nature and Spirituality 21
- Neurodivergence Track 6
- Non-Profit Track 18
- Outreach Track 21
- Parenting Track 4
- Pastoral Track 57
- Poverty/Housing Track 15
- Queer Theology Track 11
- Recommendations 8
- Religious Trauma 4
- Social Work Track 12
- Thanksgiving/Honoring Indigenous People Day 2
- Theology Track 5
- Trauma Track 12
- Youth Ministry Track 24
- yoga 4
Body Scanning: Meditative Healing Practice
This 20 minute embodiment practice goes through the practice of body scanning. Starting with orienting to the room, it checks in with major parts of the body to tend to tension, pain, and extend gratitude to the miracle that is our body.
Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence and Rape
This resource provides practical and trauma-informed steps in providing support for someone who discloses an experience of sexual violence and trauma.
Content Cast: Sharing Space as Faith Communities
In this Flipped Table Collective Content Cast video, Christie Love talks with guests Stephanie Scott-Huffman and Phil Snider about sharing space with faith communities.
Look Up (when feeling down or stuck) : 30 Minute Yoga Flow: Beginner/Intermediate Movement Based Flow
This yoga flow is a 30 minute beginner/intermediate yoga flow that incorporates steady movement between poses with some guided meditations around focusing attention upwards on the sky.
This practical video looks at the importance of boundaries, how to set boundaries, and setting boundaries in faith spaces.
The Importance of Empathy
This presentation can be used in a large variety of settings, religious, business, classroom, etc. to teach and encourage empathetic actions and perspectives.
Learning is Hard, Unlearning is Harder
John Hill shares part of his own experience unlearning during his own season of deconstruction.
If You’re New to Deconstruction, Start Here: My Faith Journey, a Letter
John Hill shares a raw perspective on his own deconstruction journey having been raised in religion and working in church leadership for years.
Content Cast: Creating Collaborative Preaching Teams
In this conversation, Flipped Table Collective founders Christie Love and Holly Madden talk with Rue Lohn about how and why they created a collaborative preaching team at their church plant in southwest Missouri.
Content Cast: Trauma Informed Children’s Ministry
This conversation highlights the way that the church plant that Christie and Holly started in SW Missouri approached children’s ministry in a trauma-informed way.
Content Cast: Rest and Self Care for Faith Leaders
This video is a conversation with Christie Love and Holly Madden about the importance of prioritizing self-care for faith leaders and those who are working regularly with people in need.
Connected Kids
This resources provides 30 ideas on lessons and conversations to have with children in a gathered space, including topics on connection to the land/earth, social justice, and to one another. This resource also provides trauma-informed-tips around each topic, around holidays, and around times of crisis, loss or change.
A Simple Guide to Correctly Using Pronouns
This guide offers simple guidance on how to correctly use pronouns in all environments. This guide can be used both virtually or downloaded as a poster.
Trauma Terms Glossary
We recognize that in many of our resources, videos, and workshops we use many trauma terms that some members may not be familiar with. For this reason, our team has compiled a list of commonly used terms that you may experience as you engage with Flipped Table Collective resources.
Content Cast: Evaluating your Faith Space for Trauma Triggers
In this video, Holly and Christie talk about looking at the wall art, decorative elements, and artistic elements that are present in your faith space and how they can be triggering to people who may use your space.
Jesus and John Wayne Book Discussion Guide
This book discussion guide will help you lead participants through a critical conversation about the history of faith and politics in our nation. The guide suggests passages to discuss, ways to breakdown each chapter, and supplemental resources that you can share with your group to lead to an even greater understanding and application of the information presented by Kobes Du Mez.
Content Cast: Cooperative Youth Group Model
This video introduces and discusses the concept of creating a cooperative youth group model in communities.
Grant Writing 101
This resource will walk you through the basics of preparing to apply for a grant, how to apply for grants, and how to implement and report on them for your organization.
Religious Trauma Guided Meditation Practice
This guided meditation acknowledges, honors, and holds space for the experience of religious trauma. It takes you through a space of learning to trust and listen to your body, to open yourself up to receive healing, and to see yourself as an extension of that healing in the world.
Trauma-Informed Picture-Taking Guidelines
Photographs can be a triggering experience for many people with trauma histories. This resource will share some guidelines for trauma-informed picture-taking and some examples.