Call to Worship: The Call to Love
Written by Rev. Dr. Christie Love
We name that our world is full of hard headlines, difficult realities, glaring injustices, and deep divisions.
In the midst of it all- the corporate church is called to love.
Many of us in this place share a deep grief over the state of our world, our country, our state, and our community. We desire to be part of the solutions to bring about change and help our neighbors in need.
In the midst of it all- we as Englewood are called to love.
We acknowledge that there is uncertainty in our world, our concern for the earth, burdens over broken systems, and many differences of opinion all around us.
In the midst of it all, we as individuals are called to love.
Prayer :
God of love, guide us to love in the face of polarization and divisions. Lead us to love without boundaries. Teach us to love as you love- unconditionally. May our love be loud and active in bringing healing and change to the world around us. Amen.