Call to Worship: Thanksgiving
Written by Rev. Dr. Christie Love
This week as we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us be mindful of our blessings individually. Take a moment to name in yourself some of the blessings you are grateful for this Thanksgiving season.
-Moment of silence-
For these things God we thank you.
Thank you God for the blessings in my life.
Also, let us be mindful of our blessings corporately as a church and a community. I invite you to name out loud some of the blessings you are grateful for in this faith community and in our city.
-Moment of Silence-
For these things God we thank you.
Thank you God for the blessings in our church and community.
Let us remember that while this is a season of gratitude it is also a time of giving. May we each look for ways to give of ourselves, our time, our energy, and our blessing this holiday season.
God help us to steward our blessings to bless others.
Holy God, we thank you for what we have received this year and we trust you for our areas of need. We come into this place as the Psalmist instructs us, with thanksgiving and praise. We come into your presence for prayer, singing, and connection with you and with one another. We are grateful for your legacy of love in our lives, in our church, and in our community. Amen.