Call to Worship: Permission to Feel

Written by Rev. Dr. Christie Love

We each come to this place today having experienced many different emotions in the season of life that we are in. 

O personal God, you care about our feelings and emotions. Thank you for seeing us and loving us individually as we are. 

In this place today we recognize that there is sadness, joy, depression, happiness, sorrow, celebration, grief, relief, anger, regret, curiosity, fear, anxiety, indifference, thankfulness, and many other emotions present. 

Your feelings matter to God and each of us.

You do not have to wear a mask to be welcomed here. We are all encouraged to bring the fullness of who we are and what we feel into this community, which has gathered together to worship, to learn, and to grow.

God, may we each feel your love, your comfort, and your care in this place today. Amen. 


All: Creator God, you created us to connect with you and you long for relationship with us. You know each of us by name. You know our comings and our goings. You know the depth of all that we feel. You take joy in our laughter and you draw close to us to catch our tears. We thank you for the personal way that you love each of us. Amen. 


Call to Worship: Thanksgiving


Call to Worship: In Times of Unknown