Call to Worship: In Times of Unknown

Written by Rev. Dr. Christie Love

In times of uncertainty, we seek to ground ourselves in what is steady and unchanging. 

God’s presence and holiness do not change. 

In times of decision when the outcomes can change the course of our lived experience, our neighbor’s quality of life, our state, our country, and our history – we seek to ground ourselves in what is known. 

God’s wisdom and peace are not impacted by human actions. 

In times of anxiety and concern, we seek to ground ourselves in what is comforting and life-giving. 

God’s love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things. God’s love endures all things.


God we are grateful that your love endures forever. We draw strength from the knowledge that no human action or decision can cancel out your presence or your peace. Help us to focus on you this morning, this week, and in the months and years to come. May we ground our lives and our church in you and your call to us to bring peace and change to our divided world.  Amen


Call to Worship: Permission to Feel


Call to Worship: I am Coming