Call to Worship: God of the Gaps
Written by Rev. Dr. Christie Love
God we gather in this place. Some of us from mountain top experiences of joy and celebration, others from valleys of sorrow and grief, others that are navigating the journey of betweeness.
God journeys with us through the highs, the lows, and the in-betweens.
Each of us come with different thoughts and feelings. Some of us carry doubts and questions, others bring joy and praise, and others may feel lost and hurt.
We bring our authentic selves into this space today, grateful that we do not have to hide our mask to connect with God or with one another.
God thank you that love us as we are and you never leave us or forsake us on the journey of life.
We are grateful for our God who sees us, hears us, loves us, and accompanies us.
God, you know every name in this space. You know every story that gathers here today. You have seen every step that has led us each to this community. Out of your deep love for us you have a plan and a purpose for each of us. Tune our ears to your still small voice. Focus our eyes on your activity. Make our hearts sensitive to your stirrings. Amen.