Call to Worship: Epiphany
By Rev. Dr. Christie Love
The light of God’s love illuminates our path with wisdom, direction, and vision.
Let us rise and seek the light.
Jesus came into the world to be the light and shine on the path to peace and justice.
Let us rise and follow the light.
We are called to be the lights of the world, shining hope into the dark and difficult places in our world.
Let us stand and be the light.
Giver of light, lead us to the places that you want to use us to make a difference. Light of the world show us the shadow places in our community that are in need of rays of love, hope, joy, and peace. O God, fill us with the courage to let our faith shine brightly in the world and may we not dim our lights to please others or impress people of power. May our kindness, care, and compassion be lights that point people to your love. Amen.