Call to Worship: Community
Written by Rev. Dr. Christie Love
Where two or more gather in your name, there God is also.
Holiness is found in the midst of community.
When the people of God gather, we are called to come together in love, to explore questions and doubts together, and support one another by bearing one another’s burdens as we journey together.
Community ensures that we never have to do life alone.
When we create community in Christ, we do not only face inward towards one another, we also face outward towards our community of context. Together we look for the needs of our neighbors, organize our energies and abilities, and make positive impacts all around us.
Community extends beyond our walls and makes room at our table for everyone.
Relational God who models connection for us, reveal yourself to us in the midst of our human connections. Teach us to connect like you do- without exclusions or limitations. May our earthly relationships teach teach us aspects of your eternal character. As we grow with one another, may we also grow in our connection with you O God. Amen.