Call to Worship: All are Welcome

Written by Rev. Dr. Christie Love

All are welcome in this space! You are welcome as you are and for who you are. 

Let us come together in the spirit of community and worship.

We come into this place from a wide variety of experiences and emotions this week. No matter what you have faced, what you are carrying, or how you are feeling this morning- you matter and we are glad you are here. 

Come and find rest and connection in this place today. 

Your gifts, your talents, your sense of humor, your wisdom, your passions- they make you a unique person who matters and makes a difference in this world. While we are all unique individuals we come together in this place to create community. 

Come, let us join together in worship, prayer, and love. 

You are loved deeply by a God who sees you and knows your name. You are loved by the creator of the universe who carved the mountains with holy hands and set the stars in place in the sky with creativity and intention. 

 Let us join together in this place to worship the God of love. Amen! 



Holy God, love draws us into this place today. We come into this space to both give and to experience love. May we feel your unconditional love and care for us as individuals and as a community of people who desire to bring justice, peace, and wholeness to the world. Out of your great love for us, you desire for us to not journey through life alone. You offer your divine, eternal friendship with us and you bless us with people around us to share our earthly journeys with. For your loving design of community and connection, we give you praise. We join our voices in prayer and worship to you as an act of love to you, O God. May the same love that drew us into this place flow out of this building and pour out onto our neighbors, our community, and the world. Amen. 


Call to Worship: Come to Me


Call To Worship: MLK Sunday