How to Support the LGBTQ+ Community Year-Round

The month of June is often a time of advocacy and celebration for queer individuals in communities; however, it is critical that open and affirming faith communities cultivate a consistent culture of support. If your faith community is processing ways to be more intentional with it’s year-round support of the LGBTQ+ in your community, here are a few ideas to consider:

#1: SHOW your support.

There are many ways to embed your support into the culture of your community:

  • affirming signs/sayings around the building

  • display a Pride flag

  • order Space Space stickers to place on windows, doors, or office signs,

  • model and encourage staff and leaders to practice pronouns. This can be done in the weekly bulletin, when giving verbal introductions, on email signatures, on nametags, on business cards, and more.

#2: Build Relationships

One of the most important aspects of advocacy is relationships. Be intentional to build relationships with leaders and members of the queer community in your area. Doing life with people will allow you to understand their lived experiences and the gaps in meeting their needs in your area.

#3: SHOW up.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community need open and affirming communities to support, be present, and advocate all year long. This can look like:

  • Attending city council meetings where issues impacting LGBTQ+ individuals are being discussed.

  • Writing a letter to the editor to your local newspaper about legislation or actions that could harm the quality of life of individuals.

  • Going to school board meetings to support issues impacting queer students.

  • Participating in fundraisers and events that benefit queer causes in your area.

#4: Share your space.

According to the 2022 LGBTQ Community Center Report, “Given the critical role of LGBTQ community centers, it is imperative that individuals, communities, funders and foundations, governments, and the LGBTQ movement prioritize giving these centers the additional support and assistance needed to grow and sustain their work— work that is needed now more than ever.” (1)

Faith Communities with space not being used during the week or many evenings might consider offering their building as a gathering space if there is no formally established community center in your area. The map from the same 2022 report shows the need for more centers to be created across the country to give queer individuals safe spaces to gather, receive services, access support groups, build relationships, and connect.

Stewarding space to meet the needs of your community is a great way to love out loud and help improve the quality of life for neighbors!

#5: Support and Spotlight.

Look for opportunities to support queer artists, musicians, creatives, and businesses on the national and local level through your purchases and opportunities for exposure.

According to a 2024 report, “New findings from the Musicians’ Census show that LGBTQ+ musicians are disproportionately impacted by discrimination and sexual harassment, particularly for trans musicians, having a more widespread impact on their careers and ability to work.”

In addition, research has documented that, “Transgender and gender-nonconforming people are among the lowest paid LGBTQ+ people working full time in the United States.” (3)

This income disparity often results in cascading financial struggles for individuals. The Human Rights Campaign has stated, “Earning less impacts every facet of our [LGBTQ+] lives - including access to housing, healthcare and food security—and must be addressed head on." (4)

Being intentional about finding ways to increase the earning potential of LGBTQ+ individuals and also engaging in helping to provide support services to individuals who may struggle to make ends meet is another critical way for faith communities to affirm and support dignity and quality of life all year long.


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