Call To Worship: Trauma-Informed Space

In this space, we want all who gather here to know that they do not have to pretend to be okay, fake a smile, project strength, or act like they have it all together. This is not a place to perform, but a place to be real, authentic, and true to who you are and how you feel today.

God welcomes you as you are. We welcome you as you are.

Each of us has experienced joys, as well as difficulties in our lives. Each of our journeys has been unique. All of the circumstances of our lives have shaped each of us into the people that we are today.

We honor the journeys that we have each taken.

Together we strive to cultivate empathy and understanding. We work to hold space for one another’s emotions, trauma-informed in our words and our actions, and intentional in our gatherings to do our best to minimize triggers and harms. However, no place or person is perfect. If something is done or said in this space that causes you pain, please reach out so that we can learn and do better in the future.

In this place, we strive to learn together and do life together as we grow in faith.



God, we thank you that we do not go through life alone. Draw us together in friendship and authentic community. Reveal yourself to us through our connections with one another. Give us the wisdom to love one another in a way that respects each person’s dignity and lived experience. Amen.


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