Call to Worship: Seek First

By Rev. Dr. Christie Love

In a part of the world that has the privilage of development, we sometimes take for granted the blessings of not feeling hunger pangs, the luxury of climate controlled homes, the accessibility of clean water, and access to modern medicine. 

May we enter into this time with grateful hearts for what we have and hold space for those who lack what is ordinary here. 

Our tolerance for waiting has waned as our ability to order a package and have it arrive the next day at our doors, go through drive-thrus and get a meal in moments, stream the latest show or film from the comfort of our couches, or criss-cross the globe in hours instead of weeks have increased. 

May we enter into this space and resist the urge to rush through this gathering to get on to what is next in our day. 

Our schedules are full, our to-do lists are long, our attention spans are shrinking, and our communication is increasingly digitized. 

May we find connection with the holy today in ancient text, long-established practices, and the blessings of relationships. 



Timeless God, Cut through the noise and chaos of our world and get our attention in this space. Whisper words of truth, encouragement, hope, and direction to us today. Amen.


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