The Flipped Table Collective Classes

There are two ways that you can enroll in Flipped Table Classes:

  1. You can enroll in each quarterly course for $100 each using the buttons below each class.

  2. OR, you can become a member of the Flipped Table Collective Resource Library for $300 for the year, which gives you access to resources, connection groups, healing practices, and all class content (thirteen classes) for a year.

Now Enrolling: Summer Classes

Public Theology and Pastoral Care

This 12-module asynchronous course will explore the ways that Pastors can minister to their communities of context through advocacy, trauma-informed ministry, outreach efforts, partnership development, and community engagement. It can be completed at your pace and on your schedule.

Nature and Spirituality

This 12-module asynchronous course will serve as an introduction to Ecotheology and the spiritual lessons that can be learned from the natural world, the design of tree communities, and how they deepen our understanding of divine design and aspects of faith. It can be completed at your pace and on your schedule.


Classes Coming this Fall

Enrollment for these courses will open in October. If you would like to receive an email notification when these classes are open click here.

Homelessness & Poverty in America

This 12-week course will explore issues related to shelter instability, economic justice, generational poverty, systemic issues, and ways for faith communities to be part of the solutions in their community.

Theology and Trauma

This 12-week course will look at trauma through the lens of trauma. We will explore and deconstruct weaponized theologies that have caused trauma for individuals and groups. We will also explore ways for faith communities to be more trauma-informed in their responses to trauma.

Volunteer Development

This 12-week course will focus on the work of caring for people requires a community. Volunteering is a beautiful, poetic way we see so many people engaging with us with a shared heart and mission. This class is centered relationally engaging with volunteers, supporting them as a valued, integral part of the work you collectively do together, and some ideas and insights on volunteer recruitment and volunteer retainment.